Jeffs Reviews

I review computer hardware and software, consumer electronics, kitchen gadgets and tools. Almost all I know about computers comes from hands on learning on the internet on my own, no classes or college in computers. I have built a few computers on my own and do all the work for all the reviews I write, contacting the companies myself and asking for things I am interested in purchasing myself. I work hard to bring you my opinions of the things I review and hope you enjoy my writing.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Vices

I have what I consider two vices, and I love them. I just love cappuccino's and The Peoples Court.

I really enjoy drinking all kinds of coffee concoctions I make with the espresso amd cappucinno makers I have reviewed and everyday at 3:00 I try very hard to watch my favorite show The People's Court. I find the show fascinating the same way people love to watch train wrecks.

I hate it when people come on the show and have no remorse for their despicable actions and yet I can't wait to see the judge roll her eyes or hold up that big L for these people.

One I just cannot believe and yet it happens again and again is the "friend" who needs some money and of course will pay them back just as soon as they can. A true friend will give the money without a second thought but the same true friend on the other end of the relationship will only ask for the money if they absolutely and possitively cannot get the help anywhere else.

A true friend will give the money and the true friend will always give it back when they can in someway. A true friend will not have to take the other to court because they understand each other and have already made good on their promise in some way, no matter how small.

I have a picture that shows just what I mean:

Three gerbils, one holding the foot of another dangling from a branch. The first gerbil is holding the branch above them and holding his friends foot as the friend is giving a gift to the third gerbil on the branch below the two. The third gerbil sniffs the flower as the two struggle to hold on and give a gift to the third. I can imagine the two dangling gerbils and the one of course is not complaining at all, knowing he is helping his friend give a gift that is important to all three of them.


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